3D Printers… for ants

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V0 Mods

Dueling Zero. Two extruders. No compromises. Dual Gantry FTW.

Enable dual-color, dual-material, and dual-part printing... with the same speed and quality as single-extruder printing. Mod a Voron Zero or build one fresh!

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Double Dragon. Double the filament, double the fun.

A V0 mod to add Independent Dual Extrusion (IDEX). X0 for short. X0 adds a second printhead to a V0 to enable multi-color prints, multi-material prints, and even overhangs atop dissolvable supports.

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Crucible. Triple leadscrews? In my V0?

A V0 mod inspired by the Trident. Converts the bed from a single-leadscrew cantilevered mount to a three-leadscrew mount and enables automatic bed leveling with Klicky or SideSwipe.

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F-Zero. Perfect first layers every time.

A V0 mod for a flying gantry. Uses quad gantry leveling, just like a Voron 2.4 or a Micron. (The main difference from the Micron is that the F-Zero is a V0 mod, and the Micron is a from-scratch build.)

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Tri-Zero. The triple-belted-Z V0 mod.

A Voron Zero mod to add Automatic Bed Leveling - under $100, in only a few hours. Provides the quality-of-life benefits of flying-gantry mods like F-Zero, but in a fraction of the build time, at much lower cost.

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Pandora's Box. Open if you dare.

Almost a scratch build, but uses most of its parts from the Voron V0. With a custom triple belted Z and gantry, a whopping 142mm of X travel, 127mm of Y travel and 127mm of Z travel is available in a package only slightly taller than a stock V0.

Open Pandora's Box

Hex-Zero. Hexagons are best-agons.

Derived from Tri-Zero and Pandora's gantry with some nice QOL improvements. Increased rigidity in the flying bed, optional pinned bearing joints and honeycomb aesthetic (*insert chefkiss*)

More info about Hex-Zero

Scratch builds

Micron. Everything is smaller but the price.

A from-scratch build using 1515 extrusion like the V0, but with the design of a Voron 2.4 scaled down. Uses quad-gantry leveling, just like a Voron 2.4.

More info about Micron

Salad Fork. Honey, I shrunk the Trident!

A from-scratch build using 1515 extrusions like the V0, but with the design of a Trident scaled down. Uses a triple-leadscrew mount for the bed and enables automatic bed leveling with Klicky.

More info about Salad Fork

Barely bigger mini printers

Tiny-M. Not fat, just big-boned.

A V0 scaled up to 2020 extrusions, with a slightly-larger 150mm³ (and unofficially 190mm³) build volume.

More info about Tiny-M

Tiny-T. A tiny Trident.

A Trident scaled down to same 150mm³ build volume as the bigger Salad Fork.

More info about Tiny-T